Blog Post #7
Hi and welcome back to my blog!
This week we learn about teach webpages for school websites. I found a website for a high school AP US history and AP Economics class by a teacher named Mrs. Holowicki. This website was rather clunky, as information was just kind of thrown at you on a sidebar, and the colors didn't go well together. On the website, you can see assignments, unit summaries, class rules and procedures, and a myriad of other things that seem a bit thrown together. There is also a message board and an email link for parents and students to contact Mrs. Holowicki.
As a pre-service teacher, something I often consider is how to adapt technology to my future classroom. One productivity tool I would utilize is Google Drive. Google Drive is a great resource for organizing and sharing resources and can be used to share information effectively. One feature I really enjoy is the file feature, where I can make files within google drive and share them to others. This would work very well to share slideshows and spreadsheets with other teachers and administrators.
Last week we explored PB works as a class. Personally, I very much disliked the platform. One issue I had with it was the fact that there could only be one person editing a part of the site at once, which takes up time and makes collaborating harder. In the future, I could use this site to have students make individual pages and have them complete projects like the one we did in class. However, I would not be inclinded to do this because I did not enjoy the platform.
Last week we also had an optional twitter challenge, which I did not complete. Personally, I just do not enjoy twitter challenges, because they clog up my feed and seem a little performative. When I use twitter, I look to see how much quality information I can acquire in the shortest amount of time, and these challenges are not conducive to that. I also did not have the time to complete this challenge, with all that is on my plate.
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